Stories from the Shed

Get Handcrafted Steel Necklaces And Keychains For Men With Custom Images

Get Handcrafted Steel Necklaces And Keychains F...

...We aim to provide you a broader range of gift items to choose from. With accessories made using a patent-pending method that marries high-quality surgical steel and shatterproof liquid glass...

Get Handcrafted Steel Necklaces And Keychains F...

...We aim to provide you a broader range of gift items to choose from. With accessories made using a patent-pending method that marries high-quality surgical steel and shatterproof liquid glass...

How I cut down on some hours with a paid carer

How I cut down on some hours with a paid carer

In our quest to get more done with less funding, many disabled are needing to increase their independence and decrease the amount of time they hire paid carers for. One...

How I cut down on some hours with a paid carer

In our quest to get more done with less funding, many disabled are needing to increase their independence and decrease the amount of time they hire paid carers for. One...

Information for Medical Emergencies

Information for Medical Emergencies

During a medical emergency there is some information which is lifesaving and other information which, while nice to know, is not essential. So what information do paramedics and emergency first...

Information for Medical Emergencies

During a medical emergency there is some information which is lifesaving and other information which, while nice to know, is not essential. So what information do paramedics and emergency first...

reduce worry about falling

Three Ways to Minimize Your Risk of Falling

The fear of falling can be an overwhelming one. Especially if you have already fallen and been injured. Studies have also uncovered that your fears are increased just by knowing...

Three Ways to Minimize Your Risk of Falling

The fear of falling can be an overwhelming one. Especially if you have already fallen and been injured. Studies have also uncovered that your fears are increased just by knowing...

Spoonies Ten Spoon Theory

Spoonies Ten Spoon Theory

Does the term and definition of SPOONIES help you understand or explain to others about life with chronic health conditions, pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mental illness, Lupus, Lyme and other...

Spoonies Ten Spoon Theory

Does the term and definition of SPOONIES help you understand or explain to others about life with chronic health conditions, pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mental illness, Lupus, Lyme and other...

November is Family Caregivers Month

November is Family Caregivers Month. Carers need more recognition for this vital role. Which does not come with training, a salary or sick leave or holidays. Many people are caregivers without...

November is Family Caregivers Month

November is Family Caregivers Month. Carers need more recognition for this vital role. Which does not come with training, a salary or sick leave or holidays. Many people are caregivers without...